Start of “Composition 31”

Unfortunately, this will be the last painting I will be completing before my second child is born this coming November. As with my first, I will be taking a break from painting to focus on motherhood and the new challenges it will bring. Unlike my previous paintings, I have chosen to do this painting for me. (but it will of course be available for sale if anyone would be interested). This piece will be hung in one of my bathrooms in my house. At the moment, the wall is very bare and I would like some art to “spice it up.” The sizes and space between the canvases correlate to the space available on the wall. I have decided to have four canvases, each 40 X 40 cm each, with 15 cm spacing in between. For the design, I would like to incorporate big, bold shapes. I’m not looking for this piece to be too technical with the design, but we will see what I come up...

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“Composition 30” (Commissioned piece) – Completed!

I am ecstatic to have finished my newest commissioned piece. It is always a joy to create a piece for someone, knowing they will be viewing this artwork in their home everyday. My creativity gets pumped up and it makes it easier for the design to come together. Throughout the journey of this piece, I was in contact with the client. I was sending frequent picture updates showing the different stages of the process to make the client feel more involved with the piece. Previously, I had waited to reveal the artwork to the client until the very end. I am beyond thrilled with the way the design came together for this piece. To be honest, I’m quite sad this artwork is not apart of my collection for how much I love this design. The way the shapes connect to one another and fit like a puzzle, makes for a unique...

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Art Exhibition – the Gallery Steiner (Vienna, Austria)


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Start of “Composition 30” (Commissioned piece)

It has been some time since I had my last commissioned piece. Lately, I have been focused on producing more artwork to be added to my collection. But, the time has come, and I am ecstatic that my next painting will be a commissioned piece. The requirements for this piece are quite simple. They requested the canvas to be approximately 18 X 24 inches in size. As that is the best size to fit on their wall. Next, they mentioned that I am free to be me and create! I am always elated when a customer gives full freedom and is confident in my creativity. So far, the design for this piece has come along rather quickly. This does not always happen when coming up with a new design. Sometimes I have to draw many, many sketches before I am able to see something I like. So I am quite happy and excited to see where this artwork...

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“Composition 29” – Completed!

“Composition 29” is composed of two canvases, each at 70 X 70 cm. The goal was to create a piece that didn’t contain too many canvases, but still incorporate a big design. I wanted to be able to complete this piece in time for it to be on display for my exhibition in Vienna from May 3rd to 23rd 2021 at The gallery-Steiner. In the design of this painting, I wanted to give the viewer a new outlook on the pattern I create. This time I chose to in-large the pattern or what I like to call a “zoom-in” of the pattern. The large shapes help to bring out the boldness of the design. The yellow, bright, line that goes around the piece was intended to help entice the eye to move from one section to the next. Furthermore, the bold, center, orange shape was meant to capture the eye into connecting both canvases together. Each shape was carefully designed with the aim at generating movement. As with all my artwork, the purpose of each is to create movement with bold and crisp shapes. “Composition 29” was my final piece to be represented in my exhibition at The gallery-Steiner in Vienna,...

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Start of “Composition 29”

The new piece that I have started to work on will be part of my collection that I will be exhibiting in my upcoming expo in Vienna, Austria in April 2021. I choose two large canvases: each 70 X 70cm. My intention is to have a design that will contain large shapes or what I would call a “zoom in” of the pattern. This will be a new approach that I wanted to try...

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“Composition 28” – Completed!

This is my first painting completed after having my son. I am ecstatic to finally showcase this new work of art. This piece was very time consuming, compared to my other pieces, due to the fact that the pattern is very complex. The eye has a lot to look at when viewing this painting. That was the goal I wanted to achieve with this piece. The design that was created from each connecting shape produces movement for the eye to wonder from one section to the next. It was made to keep your eye wanting to see more. There is not one area that is the same as the other and I wanted every part to have its own unique distinitive look. As always, I have incorporated the same color palette that I have used in my previous works: bright bold...

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Exhibition update!

Due to COVID, I have decided to reschedule my New York City exhibition. As much as I would love to have this happen, I know that now is not a good time. It will now take place in April 2023. Unfortunately, the gallery is booked for the next two years. In the meantime, I will be exhibiting my artwork in Vienna, Austria in the gallery Steiner in April 2021! Stay...

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Start of “Composition 28”

I am a little late, but I am officially back to painting! After giving birth to my son, I took a year off to focus my time on him. Life surely changes when you have a kid! (Hence why it took me a little longer than expected to write this blog). My new piece is composed of five canvases. I have chosen five because the other paintings in my collection have between 1-6 canvases and I do not have a piece with five canvases yet. This will be a great addition to my portfolio. The design I have selected will wrap around the entire piece. I decided not to have the design overlap or be symmetrical as I have done in previous works. Instead, I want the design to be entirely different throughout or be asymmetrical. This design came about through the sketches I made this past year while preparing this piece. “Composition 28” will be presented at my art exhibition in New York City this coming...

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“Composition 27” – Completed!

I can finally say I have completed a new work of art for my collection and to say I am excited is an understatement. This piece will be on display at my exhibition at Artifact Art Gallery in New York City in August 2020. My new composition consists of six canvases. The pattern I designed is divided into three different sections (left, middle, right) with the corresponding canvas below reflecting those in the upper section. I chose to do this because I like the enlarging effect of the pattern design. As you may notice in the picture, I am expecting my first child. I will take the opportunity of becoming a mom to take a little break from painting and fully enjoy my next chapter of motherhood. After that break will come the preparation of my next painting ahead of my New York City exhibition....

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Exhibition Announcement!!!

It is with great pleasure that I announce that, in August 2020, I will be having a solo exhibition at Artifact Art Gallery in New York City for three weeks. Words cannot describe my excitement and how thrilled I am to have this opportunity. The chance of having my artwork on display in New York City is a dream come true. Stay tuned for my...

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Start of “Composition 27”

My next piece will consist of six 50 X 50 cm canvases and will be part of my collection. I am now going to focus on building up my collection rather than complete comissioned pieces or sell. My goal in the next couple of years is to be able to showcase my work at galleries and, in order to achieve that, I need to build out my collection. I decided on six canvases because I still like the idea of combining multiple canvases into one big piece. I’m excited to see what this piece is going to look like as my development throughout my work keeps getting better and better (in my...

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